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Welcome to the Index to Organism Names (ION)

ION contains the organism names related data gathered from the scientific literature for Clarivate Analytics' Zoological Record® database. Viruses, bacteria and plant names will be added from other Clarivate databases such as BIOSIS Previews®.

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Aaptotoichus Loeblich & Tappan 1982
Aaptotoichus challengeri Holbourn & Kaminski 1995
Aaptotoichus mutinensis Haig & McCartain 2010
Aaptotoichus quinnaniensis Haig 2003
Abacum Fombella 1978
Abacum normale Fombella 1978
Abacum rudis (Combaz 1967)
Abadehella Okimura & Ishii 1975
Abadehella Okimura, Ishii & Nakazawa 1975
Abadehella biconvexa Okimura, Ishii & Nakazawa 1975
Abadehella coniformis Okimura & Ishii 1975
Abadehella grandis Pronina-Nestell 2001
Abadehella iwaiensis Kobayashi 1997
Abadehella koryakiensis Davydov 1996
Abadehella lonformis Okimura, Ishii & Nakazawa 1975
Abadehella longlinensis Lin, Li & Sun 1990
Abadehella minima Wang 1981
Abadehella regularis Lin, Li & Sun 1990
Abadehella regularisaeformis Lin, Li & Sun 1990
Abadehella tarazi Okimura, Ishii & Nakazawa 1975
Abadehellidae Loeblich & Tappan 1984
Abadehellinae Loeblich & Tappan 1984
Abadehellopsis Krainer, Vachard & Schaffhauser 2019
Abadehellopsis longlinensis (Lin, Li & Sun 1990)
Abadehellopsis pauciseptata Krainer, Vachard & Schaffhauser 2019
Abadehellopsis regularis (Lin, Li & Sun 1990)
Abadehellopsis regularisaeformis (Lin, Li & Sun 1990)
Abathomphalidae Pessagno 1967
Abathomphaloidea Arz, Arenillas & Gilabert 2021
Abathomphalus Bolli, Loeblicii & Tappan 1957
Abathomphalus Bolli, Loeblich & Tappan 1957
Abathomphalus asteroidalis Salaj 1983
Abathomphalus mayaroensis (Bolli 1951)
Abathomphalus mayaroensis
Abathomphalus salajensis Solakius 1983
Abathostoma Berger
Abathostoma Berger 1994
Abatliomphalus Bolli, Loeblich & Tappan 1957
Abatliomphalus Bolli, Loeblich & Tappan 1967
Abaxodinae Mikrjukov 2001
Abbottina McCulloch 1977
Abbottina tannerbankensis McCulloch 1977
Abditodentrix Patterson 1985
Abditodentrix asketocomptella Patterson 1985
Abdullaevia Suleimanov 1965
Abdullaevia tosbulakensis Suleimanov 1965
Abediniaceae Cooney, Okamoto & Keeling 2020
Abediniales Cooney, Okamoto & Keeling 2020
Abedinium Loeblich & Loeblich 1966
Abedinium Loeblich & Loeblich
Abedinium Loeblich & Loeblich III 1966
Abedinium dasypus
Abedinium folium
Abedinium folium Cooney, Okamoto & Keeling 2020
Abelspora Azevedo 1987
Abelspora portucalensis Azevedo 1987
Abelspora portucalensis
Abelsporidae Azevedo 1987
Abeoforma Marshall & Berbee 2011
Abeoforma whisleri Marshall & Berbee 2011
Abeoforma whisleri
Aberisphaera Wan 1991
Aberisphaera gambanica Wan 1991
Abnormisphaera Tikhomirova 1986
Abnormisphaera intraentis Tikhomirova 1986
Aboema Frenzel 1897
Abollifer Vors 1992
Abollifer globosa Shiratori, Yokoyama & Ishida 2014
Abollifer prolabens Vors 1992
Abolliferidae Cavalier-Smith 2018
Aboudaragina Nakkady 1955
Aboudaragina eponidelliformis Nakkady 1955
Abra nitida Fenchel 1965
Abrardia Neumann & Damotte 1960
Abrardia catalaunica Bilotte 1975
Abrardia mosae (Hofker 1955)
Abratopdinium Mao & Mohr 1992
Abratopdinium cardioforme Mao & Mohr 1992
Abratopdinium kerguelense Mao & Mohr 1992
Abriolina Luperto 1963
Abriolina mediterranea Luperto 1963
Abriolinidae Zaninetti & Rettori 1992
Abuhammadina Abd-Elshafy & Ibrahim 1990
Abuhammadina saidi Abd-Elshafy & Ibrahim 1990
Abyssalia Gooday & Holzmann 2020
Abyssalia foliformis
Abyssalia foliformis Gooday & Holzmann 2020
Abyssalia sphaerica
Abyssalia sphaerica Gooday & Holzmann 2020
Abyssamina Schnitker & Tjalsma 1980
Abyssamina incisa Schnitker & Tjalsma 1980
Abyssamina poagi Schnitker & Tjalsma 1980
Abyssamina quadrata Schnitker & Tjalsma 1980
Abyssamina quadrata
Abyssotherma Bronnimann, van Dover & Whittaker 1989
Abyssotherma pacifica Bronnimann, van Dover & Whittaker 1989
Abyssotherma pacifica
Acadialithus Howe 2017
Acadialithus dennei Howe 2017
Acadialithus valentinei Howe 2017
Acaeniospongus Kozur & Mostler 1981
Acaeniotyle Foreman 1973
Acaeniotyle bispina Bak 2011
Acaeniotyle diaphorogona Foreman 1973
Acaeniotyle diaphorogona dentata Baumgartner 1984
Acaeniotyle diaphorogona variata Ozvoldova 1979
Acaeniotyle gedrangta Empson-Morin 1981
Acaeniotyle glebulosa parvispina Marcucci & Salvini 1994
Acaeniotyle helicta Foreman 1975
Acaeniotyle parva Yang 1993
Acaeniotyle rebellis O'Dogherty 1994
Acaeniotyle starka Empson-Morin 1981
Acaeniotyle tribulosa Foreman 1973
Acaeniotyle tuberosa Steiger 1992
Acaeniotyle umbilicata (Rust 1898)
Acaeniotyle vitalis O'Dogherty 1994
Acaeniotyle? florea Ozvoldova 1992
Acaeniotyle? ghostensis Carter 1988
Acaeniotyle? ghostensis Carter in Carter, Cameron & Smith 1988
Acaeniotylopsis Kito & de Wever 1994
Acaeniotylopsis ghostensis (Carter in Carter, Cameron & Smith 1988)
Acaeniotylopsis nordvikensis Bragin 2011
Acaeniotylopsis oregonensis Yeh & Pessagno 2013
Acaeniotylopsis splendens Kito & de Wever 1994
Acaeniotylopsis triacanthus Kito & de Wever 1994
Acaenolithus Black 1973
Acaenolithus cenomanicus Black 1973
Acaenolithus galloisii Black 1973
Acaenolithus undatus Black 1973
Acaenolithus vimineus Black 1973
Acaenolithus viriosus Jeremiah 1996
Acaeonolithus galloisii Black 1973
Acaeonolithus viriosus Jeremiah 1996
Acanihochitina Eisenack 1931
Acanihocystis aculeata
Acantariobiontes Haeckel 1881
Acanthamoeba Volkonsky 1931
Acanthamoeba Volkonsky
Acanthamoeba Volkonsky 1931 sensu Pape 1967
Acanthamoeba (Hartmannella)
Acanthamoeba (Mayorella) palestinensis
Acanthamoeba astronyxis
Acanthamoeba bangkokensis Putaporntip, Kuamsab, Nuprasert, Rojrung, Pattanawong, Tia, Yanmanee & Jongwutiwes 2021
Acanthamoeba beccarii
Acanthamoeba byersi Qvarnstrom, Nerad & Visvesvara 2013
Acanthamoeba byersi
Acanthamoeba castelanii
Acanthamoeba castellani
Acanthamoeba castellanii
Acanthamoeba castellanii (Douglas 1930)
Acanthamoeba castellanii species complex
Acanthamoeba castellanni
Acanthamoeba comandoni
Acanthamoeba comandoni Pussard 1964
Acanthamoeba culbertsoni
Acanthamoeba culbertsoni (Singh & Das 1970)
Acanthamoeba divionensis Pussard & Pons 1977
Acanthamoeba divionensis
Acanthamoeba echinulata
Acanthamoeba echinulata Pussard & Pons 1977
Acanthamoeba gigantea Schmoller 1964
Acanthamoeba glebae
Acanthamoeba glebae (Dobell 1914)
Acanthamoeba gleichenii Volkonsky 1931
Acanthamoeba griffini
Acanthamoeba griffini Sawyer 1971
Acanthamoeba hartmanella
Acanthamoeba hatchetti
Acanthamoeba hatchetti Sawyer, Visvesvara & Harke 1977
Acanthamoeba hatchettii
Acanthamoeba healyi
Acanthamoeba healyi Moura, Wallace & Visvesvara 1992
Acanthamoeba invadens
Acanthamoeba invadens Singh & Hanumaiah 1979
Acanthamoeba jacobsi
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