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Welcome to the Index to Organism Names (ION)

ION contains the organism names related data gathered from the scientific literature for Clarivate Analytics' Zoological Record® database. Viruses, bacteria and plant names will be added from other Clarivate databases such as BIOSIS Previews®.

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Acanthamoeba pearcei Nerad, Sawyer, Lewis & McLaughlin 1995
Acanthamoeba poliphaga
Acanthamoeba polypha
Acanthamoeba polyphaga
Acanthamoeba pustulosa Pussard & Pons 1977
Acanthamoeba pyriformis (Olive & Stoianovitch 1969)
Acanthamoeba quina
Acanthamoeba quina Pussard & Pons 1977
Acanthamoeba rhysodes
Acanthamoeba royreba Willaert, Stevens & Tyndall 1978
Acanthamoeba royreba
Acanthamoeba sohi Kyung-il & Shin 2003
Acanthamoeba sp.
Acanthamoeba stevensoni Sawyer, Nerad & McLaughlin 1993
Acanthamoeba terricola
Acanthamoeba terricola Pussard 1964
Acanthamoeba terricola Pussard 1963
Acanthamoeba triangularis Pussard & Pons 1977
Acanthamoeba triangularis
Acanthamoeba tubiashi
Acanthamoeba tubiashi Lewis & Sawyer 1979
Acanthamoebida Page 1976
Acanthamoebidae Sawyer & Griffin 1975
Acanthapophysia Popofsky 1904
Acantharea Haeckel 1881
Acantharia Muller 1855
Acantharia Haeckel 1881
Acantharia Haeckel 1879
Acantharia (Actipylaea)
Acanthariea Muller 1855
Acanthaulax Sarjeant 1968
Acanthaulax aceras (Eisenack 1958)
Acanthaulax aculeata (Klement 1960)
Acanthaulax aculeatum (Klement 1960)
Acanthaulax angulosa (Gitmez 1970)
Acanthaulax angulosa Gitmez 1970
Acanthaulax areolata (Sarjeant 1961)
Acanthaulax compta (Duxbury 1980)
Acanthaulax crispa (Wetzel 1966)
Acanthaulax downiei (Sarjeant 1960)
Acanthaulax downiei Sarjeant 1960
Acanthaulax granulata (Klement 1960)
Acanthaulax granuligera (Klement 1960)
Acanthaulax magnum (Jain 1977)
Acanthaulax scarburghensis (Sarjeant 1964)
Acanthaulax senta Drugg 1978
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