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Welcome to the Index to Organism Names (ION)

ION contains the organism names related data gathered from the scientific literature for Clarivate Analytics' Zoological Record® database. Viruses, bacteria and plant names will be added from other Clarivate databases such as BIOSIS Previews®.

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Acanthaulax granulata (Klement 1960)
Acanthaulax granuligera (Klement 1960)
Acanthaulax magnum (Jain 1977)
Acanthaulax scarburghensis (Sarjeant 1964)
Acanthaulax senta Drugg 1978
Acanthaulax senta (Drugg 1978)
Acanthaulax systremmatos (Gitmez & Sarjeant 1972)
Acanthaulax tenuiceras (Eisenack 1958)
Acanthaulax wilsonii Yun 1981
Acanthaulax? aceras (Eisenack 1958)
Acanthaulax? spinosissima (Deflandre 1938)
Acanthaulax? tenuiceras (Eisenack 1958)
Acanthobotrys Popofsky 1913
Acanthobotrys multispina Popofsky 1913
Acanthocephalus dujardini (Schneider 1875)
Acanthochiasma Krohne 1860
Acanthochiasma bicuspidata Popofsky 1904
Acanthochiasma bruhni Popofsky 1906
Acanthochiasma comatum
Acanthochiasma crinitum
Acanthochiasma cruciata
Acanthochiasma decacantha Popofsky 1904
Acanthochiasma hertwigi Popofsky 1904
Acanthochiasma krohni
Acanthochiasma krohni Haeckel
Acanthochiasma plana Popofsky 1904
Acanthochiasma plana Popofsky 1906
Acanthochiasma quadrangula Popofsky 1904
Acanthochiasma ralumense
Acanthochiasma rubescens
Acanthochiasma scholti
Acanthochiasma serrulatum Schewiakoff 1926
Acanthochiasma solidissima Popofsky 1905
Acanthochiasma spiralis Haeckel
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