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Welcome to the Index to Organism Names (ION)

ION contains the organism names related data gathered from the scientific literature for Clarivate Analytics' Zoological Record® database. Viruses, bacteria and plant names will be added from other Clarivate databases such as BIOSIS Previews®.

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Abrachlamys Beu & Darragh 2001
Abrachlamys toolinnensis Beu & Darragh 2001
Abruptolopha Vialov 1936
Acanthopecten Girty 1904
Acanthopecten Girty 1903
Acanthopecten bedici Astafieva-Urbajtis & Ramovs 1985
Acanthopecten bellosum Hoare, Sturgeon & Kindt 1978
Acanthopecten carboniferus
Acanthopecten chitralensis
Acanthopecten gaoanensis Li & Ding 1982
Acanthopecten giganteus Chen, Zhang & Xu 1974
Acanthopecten grandis Elias 1957
Acanthopecten jaguelensis Gonzalez 1997
Acanthopecten meeki Newell 1938
Acanthopecten ohioensis Mark 1912
Acanthopecten ohioensis Mark 1911
Acanthopecten procarboniferus Driscoll
Acanthopecten shenshuensis Liang 1980
Acanthopecten spinosus Hayasaka 1924
Acanthopecten tarchanensis Muromzeva & Turbanov 1974
Acanthopecten turdukensis Kushnar 1979
Acanthopecten yamansuensis Yang 1983
Acquipecten (Cryptopecten) sematensis Oyama 1954
Acquipecten uloa King 1954
Actinochlamys Rovereto 1898
Actinopecten (?Tolmaia) midlothiana Lamont 1958
Actinopecten ripidopsis Bonarelli 1951
Actinostreon Bayle 1878
Actinostreon costatum (Sowerby 1825)
Actinostreon erucum
Actinostreon gregareum
Actinostreon marshi
Actinostreon solitarium (Sowerby 1824)
Actinostreon solitarium
Acutostrea Vialov 1936
Acutostrea Vyalov 1936
Acutostrea belkini Sobetski 1982
Acutostrea gaviota Squires 2018
Acutostrea grieppenkerli Sobetskii 1977
Acutostrea griesensis (Effinger 1938)
Acutostrea idriaensis (Gabb 1869)
Acutostrea idriaensis
Acutostrea incurvata
Acutostrea lingularis (Lamarck 1819)
Acutostrea opoliensis Sobetskii 1977
Acutostrea plana Sobetskii 1977
Acutostrea renngarteni Sobetskii 1977
Acutostrea rostrata Sobetskii 1977
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